The Rebel Alliance or the Rebellion was a resistance against the Galactic Empire. It was formed by Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala, and Mon Mothma in 19 BBY. The Empire first found out of the Rebellion in 2 BBY and the Galactic Civil War began. The first victory the Rebels had was the Battle of Yavin. Three years later the Battle of Hoth began and the Empire won. One year later the Battle of Endor began and after the Rebellion won the Empire was destroyed.
(This list is incomplete, please expand it)
Episode IV[]
- 7106 Droid Escape
- 7140 X-wing Fighter
- 7142 X-wing Fighter
- 7150 TIE Advanced & Y-wing
- 7152 TIE Advanced & Y-wing
- 7190 Millennium Falcon
- 7262 TIE Advanced & Y-wing
- 7658 Y-wing Fighter
- 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder
Episode V[]
- 4500 Rebel Snowspeeder
- 4502 X-wing
- 4504 Millennium Falcon
- 6212 X-Wing Fighter
- 7130 Snowspeeder
- 7666 Hoth Rebel Base
- 10123 Cloud City
Episode VI[]
- 4475 Jabba's Message
- 4480 Jabba's Palace
- 6207 A-Wing Fighter
- 6208 B-wing Fighter
- 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge
- 7104 Desert Skiff
- 7128 Speeder Bikes
- 7134 A-wing Fighter
- 7139 Ewok Attack
- 7180 B-wing Fighter
(This list is incomplete, please expand it)
Episode IV[]
- C-3PO
- R2-D2
- Luke Skywalker (Pilot)
- Biggs Darklighter
- Rebel Mechanic
- Jon Vander
- Princess Leia (Senator)
- Y-Wing Pilot
- Rebel Trooper (Episode IV)
Episode V[]
- Luke Skywalker (Pilot)
- Dack Ralter
- Hoth Rebel Trooper
- R2-D2
- Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)
- Han Solo (Hoth)
- Princess Leia (Hoth)
- Chewbacca
- C-3PO
- Wedge Antilles
- K-3PO
- Princess Leia (Bespin)
- Luke Skywalker (Bespin)
- Lando Calrissian (Administrator)