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Lego Star Wars Wiki

Lego® Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a Lego® Star Wars video game, although at its core it is a compilation of the two previous Lego® Star Wars titles; Lego® Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego® Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts, it was released in early November of 2007 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii and in October 2009 it was released for the PC. It can also can be found in the App Store for Mac and iOS.

A version was made for the Nintendo DS with different levels and features.

Updated levels[]

  • The "Mos Espa Pod Race" and "Gunship Cavalry" levels from the first game have been updated to fit the vehicle gameplay mechanics from the second game, while "Battle Over Coruscant" remained the same as its predecessor minus the addition of the Red Brick first introduced in the second game and the True Jedi rank requiring more studs to obtain than the first game.

New Content[]

  • New characters have been added, including Boss Nass, Zam Wesell, Watto, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Captain Tarpals, and many more to bring the total number of playable characters to 134 (122 not including Extra Toggle)
  • Two new levels have been added to this version of the game:
    • The Episode I bonus level is "Anakin's Flight". This level is set up the same way the Death Star level in the Original Trilogy video game. In fact, the only differences are location, ship, and purpose. This level was made for the first Lego® Star Wars game but was omitted.
    • The new level for Episode II is "Bounty Hunter Pursuit", with gameplay similar to "Anakin's Flight", in which you have to deactivate several shields before you catch the fleeing assassin. This level was made for the first Lego® Star Wars game but was omitted.
  • 20 Bounty Hunter Mission levels added to the game.


  • Indiana Jones can be bought in this version of the game. To unlock him, go through the "trailer" section of the Cantina and watch the trailer for Lego® Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Now Indiana Jones will be purchasable at the bar for 50,000 Lego studs.
  • On the Xbox 360 version, you can unlock achievements.


Main Article: Achievements


Name Weapon Abilities Icon Method of Unlocking
Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber Force, Double Jump QuiGonJinnCharacterIcon Story Mode

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

ObiWanKenobiCharacterIcon Story Mode


None Protocol Droid Console TC14CharacterIcon Story Mode

Jar Jar Binks

None High Jump JarJarBinksCharacterIcon Story Mode

Queen Amidala

Blaster Grappling Hook QueenAmidalaCharacterIcon Story Mode

Captain Panaka

Blaster Grappling Hook CaptainPanakaCharacterIcon Story Mode

Padmé (Battle)

Blaster Grappling Hook PadmeBattleCharacterIcon Story Mode


Electric Shock Astromech Droid Console


R2D2CharacterIcon Story Mode

Anakin Skywalker (Boy)

None Crawl Space Accessible AnakinSkywalkerBoyCharacterIcon Story Mode

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

ObiWanKenobiJediMasterCharacterIcon Story Mode


Electric Shock Astromech Droid Console


R4P17CharacterIcon Story Mode

Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

AnakinSkywalkerPadawanCharacterIcon Story Mode

Padmé (Geonosis)

Blaster Grappling Hook PadmeGeonosisCharacterIcon Story Mode


None Protocol Droid Console C3POCharacterIcon Story Mode

Mace Windu

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

MaceWinduCharacterIcon Story Mode

Padmé (Clawed)

Blaster Grappling Hook PadmeClawedCharacterIcon Story Mode


Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

YodaCharacterIcon Story Mode

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

ObiWanKenobiEpisodeIIICharacterIcon Story Mode

Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

AnakinSkywalkerJediCharacterIcon Story Mode

Chancellor Palpatine

None None ChancellorPalpatineCharacterIcon Story Mode

Commander Cody

Blaster Grappling Hook CommanderCodyCharacterIcon Story Mode


Bowcaster Grappling Hook ChewbaccaCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaCharacterIcon Story Mode

Captain Antilles

Blaster Grappling Hook CaptainAntillesCharacterIcon Story Mode

Rebel Friend

Blaster Grappling Hook RebelFriendCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)

Blaster Grappling Hook LukeSkywalkerTatooineCharacterIcon Story Mode

Ben Kenobi

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

BenKenobiCharacterIcon Story Mode

Han Solo

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook HanSoloCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)

Blaster Grappling Hook LukeSkywalkerStormtrooperCharacterIcon Story Mode

Han Solo (Stormtrooper)

Blaster Grappling Hook HanSoloStormtrooperCharacterIcon Story Mode

Han Solo (Hoth)

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook HanSoloHothCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia (Hoth)

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaHothCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Pilot)

Blaster Grappling Hook LukeSkywalkerPilotCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

LukeSkywalkerDagobahCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Bespin)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

LukeSkywalkerBespinCharacterIcon Story Mode

Lando Calrissian

Blaster Grappling Hook LandoCalrissianCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia (Bespin)

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaBespinCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Jedi)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

LukeSkywalkerJediCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia (Boushh)

Blaster Grappling Hook

Bounty Hunter Console* Thermal Detonator* *(E6, CH1 Only)

PrincessLeiaBoushhCharacterIcon Story Mode

Han Solo (Skiff)

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook HanSoloSkiffCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia (Slave)

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaSlaveCharacterIcon Story Mode

Princess Leia (Endor)

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaEndorCharacterIcon Story Mode

Luke Skywalker (Endor)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

LukeSkywalkerEndorCharacterIcon Story Mode

Han Solo (Endor)

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook HanSoloEndorCharacterIcon Story Mode


Slingshot Crawl Space Accessible WicketCharacterIcon Story Mode

Darth Vader

Lightsaber Dark Side Force

Imperial Console Double Jump

DarthVaderCharacterIcon Story Mode

Gonk Droid

None Grappling Hook*

*(Only with Super Gonk Extra)

GonkDroidCharacterIcon 3,000

PK Droid

None None PKDroidCharacterIcon 1,500

Battle Droid

Blaster None BattleDroidCharacterIcon 6,500

Battle Droid (Security)

Blaster None BattleDroidSecurityCharacterIcon 8,500

Battle Droid (Commander)

Blaster None BattleDroidCommanderCharacterIcon 10,000


Dual Arm Blasters Forcefield Bubble DroidekaCharacterIcon1 40,000

Captain Tarpals

Spear High Jump CaptainTarpalsCharacterIcon 17,500

Boss Nass

None None BossNassCharacterIcon 15,000

Royal Guard

Blaster Grappling Hook RoyalGuardCharacterIcon 10,000


Blaster Grappling Hook PadmeCharacterIcon 20,000


Zapper None WattoCharacterIcon 16,000

Pit Droid

None None PitDroidCharacterIcon 4,000

Darth Maul

Dual Bladed Lightsaber Dark Side Force

Double Jump

DarthMaulCharacterIcon 60,000

Zam Wesell

Blaster Pistol Grapple Hook

Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

ZamWesellCharacterIcon 27,500

Dexter Jettster

None None DexterJettsterCharacterIcon 10,000


Blaster Grappling Hook CloneCharacterIcon 13,000

Lama Su

None None LamaSuCharacterIcon 13,000

Taun We

None None TaunWeCharacterIcon 9,000


Blaster None GeonosianCharacterIcon 20,000

Battle Droid (Geonosis)

Blaster None BattleDroidGeonosisCharacterIcon 8,500

Super Battle Droid

Blaster None SuperBattleDroidCharacterIcon 25,000

Jango Fett

Dual Blaster Pistols Grappling Hook

Hover Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

JangoFettCharacterIcon 70,000

Boba Fett (Boy)

None Crawl Space Accessible BobaFettBoyCharacterIcon 5,500


Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

LuminaraCharacterIcon 28,000

Ki-Adi Mundi

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

KiAdiMundiCharacterIcon 30,000

Kit Fisto

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

KitFistoCharacterIcon 35,000

Shaak Ti

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

ShaakTiCharacterIcon 36,000

Aayla Secura

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

AaylaSecuraCharacterIcon 37,000

Plo Koon

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

PloKoonCharacterIcon 39,000

Count Dooku

Lightsaber Dark Side Force

Double Jump

CountDookuCharacterIcon 100,000

Grievous' Bodyguard

Staff High Jump GreviousBodyguardCharacterIcon 42,000

General Grievous

4 Lightsabers High Jump GeneralGrievousCharacterIcon 70,000


Bowcaster Grappling Hook WookieeCharacterIcon 16,000

Clone (Episode III)

Blaster Grappling Hook CloneEpisodeIIICharacterIcon 10,000

Clone (Episode III, Pilot)

Blaster Grappling Hook CloneEpisodeIIIPilotCharacterIcon 11,000

Clone (Episode III, Swamp)

Blaster Grappling Hook CloneEpisodeIIISwampCharacterIcon 11,000

Clone (Episode III, Walker)

Blaster Grappling Hook CloneEpisodeIIIWalkerCharacterIcon 12,000

Mace Windu (Episode III)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump

MaceWinduEpisodeIIICharacterIcon 30,000

Disguised Clone

Blaster Grappling Hook DisguisedCloneCharacterIcon 12,000

Rebel Trooper

Blaster Grappling Hook RebelTrooperCharacterIcon 10,000


Blaster Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

StormtrooperCharacterIcon 10,000

Imperial Shuttle Pilot

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

ImperialShuttlePilotCharacterIcon 25,000

Tusken Raider

Blaster Rifle Grappling Hook TuskenRaiderCharacterIcon 23,000


Zapper Crawl Space Accessible JawaCharacterIcon 24,000


Blaster Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

SandtrooperCharacterIcon 14,000


Blaster Grappling Hook

Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

GreedoCharacterIcon 60,000

Imperial Spy

None None ImperialSpyCharacterIcon 13,500

Beach Trooper

Blaster Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

BeachTrooperCharacterIcon 20,000

Death Star Trooper

Blaster Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

DeathStarTrooperCharacterIcon 19,000

TIE Fighter Pilot

Blaster Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

TIEFighterPilotCharacterIcon 21,000

Imperial Officer

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

ImperialOfficerCharacterIcon 28,000

Grand Moff Tarkin

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook

Imperial Console

GrandMoffTarkinCharacterIcon 38,000

Han Solo (Hood)

Blaster Pistol Grappling Hook HanSoloHoodCharacterIcon 20,000

Rebel Trooper (Hoth)

Blaster Grappling Hook RebelTrooperHothCharacterIcon 16,000

Rebel Pilot

Blaster Grappling Hook RebelPilotCharacterIcon 15,000


Blaster Grappling Hook SnowtrooperCharacterIcon 16,000

Luke Skywalker (Hoth)

Blaster Grappling Hook LukeSkywalkerHothCharacterIcon 14,000


Fists None LobotCharacterIcon 11,000


Zapper Crawl Space Accessible UgnaughtCharacterIcon 36,000

Bespin Guard

Blaster Grappling Hook BespinGuardCharacterIcon 15,000

Princess Leia (Prisoner)

Blaster Grappling Hook PrincessLeiaPrisonerCharacterIcon 22,000

Gamorrean Guard

Battle Axe None GamorreanGuardCharacterIcon 40,000

Bib Fortuna

Fists None BibFortunaCharacterIcon 16,000

Palace Guard

Blaster Grappling Hook PalaceGuardCharacterIcon 14,000


Blaster Grappling Hook

Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

BosskCharacterIcon 75,000

Skiff Guard

Blaster Grappling Hook SkiffGuardCharacterIcon 12,000

Boba Fett

Big Blaster Grappling Hook

Hover Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

BobaFettCharacterIcon 100,000


Slingshot Crawl Space Accessible EwokCharacterIcon 34,000

Imperial Guard

Blaster Grappling Hook ImperialGuardCharacterIcon 46,000

The Emperor

Lightsaber Dark Side Force

Double Jump

Imperial Console

TheEmperorCharacterIcon 275,000

Admiral Ackbar

None None AdmiralAckbarCharacterIcon 33,000


Blaster Protocol Droid Console

Grappling Hook Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

IG88CharacterIcon 100,000


Blaster Grappling Hook

Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

DengarCharacterIcon 70,000


Blaster Protocol Droid Console

Grappling Hook Bounty Hunter Console Thermal Detonator

4LOMCharacterIcon 45,000

Ben Kenobi (Ghost)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump Ghost

BenKenobiGhostCharacterIcon 1,100,000

Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump Ghost

AnakinSkywalkerGhostCharacterIcon 1,000,000

Yoda (Ghost)

Lightsaber Force

Double Jump Ghost

YodaGhostCharacterIcon 1,200,000


Electric Shock Astromech Droid Console


R2Q5CharacterIcon 100,000

Indiana Jones

Pistol, Whip Grappling Hook IndianaJonesCharacterIcon 50,000

Extra Toggle Characters[]

The characters below can be accessed in certain levels once unlocking and activating the "Extra Toggle" Power brick.


These "characters" are only used in specific vehicle levels, and there is at least one of those in every Episode.

Name Weapon Abilities Icon Method of Unlocking
Anakin's Pod None None AnakinsPodCharacterIcon Story Mode
Naboo Starfighter Blaster Cable NabooStarfighterCharacterIcon Story Mode
Anakin's Speeder None None AnakinsSpeederCharacterIcon Story Mode
Republic Gunship Blaster Cable RepublicGunshipCharacterIcon Story Mode
Jedi Starfighter (Yellow) Blaster None JediStarfighterYellowCharacterIcon Story Mode
Jedi Starfighter (Red) Blaster None JediStarfighterRedCharacterIcon Story Mode
X-Wing Blaster None XWingCharacterIcon Story Mode
Y-Wing Blaster Instant 5 Torpedos YWingCharacterIcon Story Mode
Snowspeeder Blaster Cable SnowspeederCharacterIcon Story Mode
Millennium Falcon Blaster Tracking Laser Turret MillenniumFalconCharacterIcon Story Mode
Sebulba's Pod None None SebulbasPodCharacterIcon 20,000
Zam's Airspeeder Blaster None ZamsAirspeederCharacterIcon 24,000
Droid Trifighter Blaster None DroidTrifighterCharacterIcon 28,000
Vulture Droid Blaster None VultureDroidCharacterIcon 30,000
Clone Arcfighter Blaster None CloneArcfighterCharacterIcon 33,000
TIE Fighter Blaster TIE Doors TIEFighterCharacterIcon 35,000
TIE Interceptor Blaster TIE Doors TIEInterceptorCharacterIcon 40,000
TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) Blaster TIE Doors TIEFighterDarthVaderCharacterIcon 50,000
TIE Bomber Blaster TIE Doors

Instant 5 Torpedoes

TIEBomberCharacterIcon 60,000
Imperial Shuttle Blaster None ImperialShuttleCharacterIcon 25,000
Slave 1 Blaster None Slave1CharacterIcon Collect All Minikits


Episode I: The Phantom Menace[]

  1. Negotiations
  2. Invasion of Naboo
  3. Escape from Naboo
  4. Mos Espa Pod Race
  5. Retake Theed Palace
  6. Darth Maul

Episode I Bonus[]

  • Character Level: Theed Palace
  • Minikit: Tatooine

Episode II: Attack of the Clones[]

  1. Bounty Hunter Pursuit
  2. Discovery on Kamino
  3. Droid Factory
  4. Jedi Battle
  5. Gunship Cavalry
  6. Count Dooku

Episode II Bonus[]

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith[]

  1. Battle Over Coruscant
  2. Chancellor in Peril
  3. General Grievous
  4. Defense of Kashyyyk
  5. Ruin of the Jedi
  6. Darth Vader

Episode III Bonus[]

Episode IV: A New Hope[]

  1. Secret Plans
  2. Through the Jundland Wastes
  3. Mos Eisley Spaceport
  4. Rescue the Princess
  5. Death Star Escape
  6. Rebel Attack

Episode IV Bonus[]

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back[]

  1. Hoth Battle
  2. Escape from Echo Base
  3. Falcon Flight
  4. Dagobah
  5. Cloud City Trap
  6. Betrayal over Bespin

Episode V Bonus[]

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi[]

  1. Jabba's Palace
  2. The Great Pit of Carkoon
  3. Speeder Showdown
  4. The Battle of Endor
  5. Jedi Destiny
  6. Into the Death Star

Episode VI Bonus[]


  1. Pod Race (Original)
  2. Anakin's Flight
  3. Gunship Cavalry (Original)
  4. A New Hope
  5. LEGO City
  6. New Town

Bounty Hunter Missions[]

Main Article: Bounty Hunter Missions


Work Salary Glitch[]

Console type needed for glitch: Oldest Version of Xbox360.

The work salary glitch is a very rare glitch unique to the oldest version of the Xbox 360. It can only be obtained after you have gotten the Gopher Achievement, beat all levels, unlocked all canisters, (excluding blue challenge canisters) and built the Money fountain outside of the cantina. Go into any Episode Room. Stand in the middle of the room, with all extras/cheats off. If you cheat once through the game, you will lose the chance to obtain the glitch.

Glitch Uses:

gives 500 - 1,000 studs every 5 seconds

Music Glitch[]

Every console is prone to this glitch. To avoid it, don't play games over 3 hours at a time.

This is one of the most common glitches for Lego Games on Xbox 360. It also happens with all Lego Indiana Jones Games, and happens on all PS2 Lego Games.

The music starts repeating notes rapidly, as if you encounter notes repeating every 5 minutes, this is normal. If you ever encounter this glitch, your console is on the brink of freezing! Go to the main menu and turn off the console as soon as possible.

Glitch Disabilities: Freezes your console Screen, but the music keeps going. Also known to disrupt loading to the main menu.

Falling Glitch[]

In the level Darth Maul drop out one person jump in the hole in the middle drop right back in and you can walk in the middle off the hole. Note: you can not get out unless you turn off your console


External Links[]

Lego Star Wars games
Games Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (Game Boy Advance)
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Game Boy AdvanceNintendo DS)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Nintendo DS)
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Handheld)
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Handheld)
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga