General Grievous was Supreme Commander of the droid army of the Separatists. He was, surprisingly, not a general and, after the death of Count Dooku at the hand of Anakin Skywalker, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. After taking the lives of many Jedi and keeping their lightsabers as trophies, he was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau at the very end of the war.
Early Life[]
Grievous was a famous warrior on the remote planet Kalee before he was fatally injured in a shuttle crash (This was secretly caused by Count Dooku). At the command of Dooku, Separatist San Hill treated Grievous, making him a cyborg. Dooku trained him in lightsaber combat and, over time, he became a leader of the droid army.
Clone Wars[]
First Appearance to the Republic[]
On Hypori, Grievous dueled against seven Jedi: Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Daakman, Tarr Sierr, Sha'a Gi, Aayla Secura, and K'Kruhk. After four were killed, ARC Troopers rescued them. Only Secura, Ti, and Mundi survived.
Duel on Vassek[]
During the Clone Wars, Grievous quickly earned a reputation as a great warrior, slaying many Jedi and keeping their lightsabers as gruesome trophies. Grievous had a secret lair on the remote planet Vassek, where he kept his fearsome pet roggwart.
Sometime during the war, Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his former apprentice, Nahdar Vebb, came to Vassek and found Grievous' lair. Entering it, they encountered Grievous' roggwart, killing it, and the general himself, forcing the general to flee. However, as the two Jedi were preparing to flee the planet themselves, Grievous, revived by his medical droid, attacked them, killing Vebb and keeping the slain Jedi's lightsaber.
Battle of Coruscant[]
Near the end of the war, Grievous journeyed to Coruscant aboard his flagship and kidnapped the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Grievous attempted to flee the planet, but was stopped by the intercepting fleet of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. A vicious battle ensued in which the two Jedi boarded Grievous' ship, rescued the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku, leader of the Separatist movement.
However, before the trio could escape, they were trapped in a series of ray shields and taken to Grievous. A brief but intense fight followed as the Jedi cut themselves free, and Grievous smashed the glass of the bridge windows and made his way along the outside of the ship to the escape pods. He then proceeded to launch all the pods, leaving the Jedi stranded and giving him an escape route straight to a nearby ship.
Battle of Utapau[]
Grievous then travelled to the planet of Utapau, where the Separatist Council was located. Once there, he received a transmission from his master, Darth Sidious, who ordered him to take the Council to the far-off planet of Mustafar.
After giving the Council their orders, however, Grievous was ambushed by Kenobi, who had been tasked with bringing the cyborg general down. They duelled until Kenobi's clone forces arrived and began the Battle of Utapau against the Separatist forces.
Grievous tried to flee on his wheel bike, but Kenobi quickly followed on Boga, a reptilian beast of burden. The two finally engaged on a landing platform and fought each other in hand-to-hand combat, as Kenobi had lost his lightsaber while pursuing Grievous. Kenobi managed to pry open Grievous' organ sack before he was sent flying over the edge of the landing platform.
Clinging to the edge, Kenobi tried to pull himself up as Grievous advanced, wielding an electrostaff. Seeing his opportunity, Kenobi used the Force to grab a blaster and shot the general several times in the stomach. Grievous then burst into flames and collapsed, dead.