Lego Star Wars Wiki
Lego Star Wars Wiki
Bespin Guard

The Bespin Guard minifigure

A Bespin Guard was an individual, tasked with overseeing the security of the citizens of Cloud City. They pilot Twin-pod Cloud cars and take orders from Lobot and Lando Calrissian. They were seen briefly in Episode V. They wear a blue uniform with a blue cap.

Role in Lego Star Wars[]

The Bespin Guard minifigure has only been included in one set, in 2006, called Boba Fett's Slave I. He had an original, smiling head, except that it was brown. The minifigure was depicting an African-American person, as like the actor in the movie. The torso, legs, and hat were all blue, with gold lining down the middle of the torso piece.

Appearance in Lego®[]


